Sunday, September 25, 2011

jalan di negeri sembilan

yellow my heart!..
 hari ni rase bosan yg amat so rase nk update story yg minggu lepas punye aktiviti..heee. last strdy i went to N9 with him and his family.. tu pon last minute planning nk join dierng.. mmng best jlan2 jao bersama die... rase da mcm family dah.. tp suddenly i cried because i remembered how he hurts me about the girls... serius xnk ingt bnda tu tp nth la why that tyme suddenly it crossed my mind.. i kept crying without telling him y.. he wondered why i was suddenly crying..mmng tibe2... hmmm.. Ya Allah why is this all happened to me.. never i did to people but why im the one who has to face this bullshit ..;'(.. this is unfair... to him, sorry bkn nk ungkit ur keslhn.. i just want u to noe what u did really hurts me.. i can forgive u , i can give u 2nd chance but the scars is still there... hope u understand.. even i smile, i laugh it doesnt mean that im totally happy.. deep in my heart i still disappointed with u... sorry 4 that sayang.. but i want u to noe that i really love u till now.... sorry b, haritu tbe2 nangis..hmmm... somehow i did enjoyed myself at n9.. thnx b for havng tyme with me... samapi i demam  n i rase happy sbb u lyn i, u buat i milo...frst tyme oke u buatkan milo slalu i yg buatkan u nescafe manis u tuh.. ni nk demam hari2 ni..:) love u b..:)

Thursday, September 8, 2011


1 year 8 months i belong to u b... thnx  b bcos  still be with me till now.. i love u so fucking damn much!!!! im sorry b, im not a perfect one..i noe u deserve someone away better than me.. im nothning special.. but i want u to noe i love u as much as i could..  n i hope we will be forever till the end of my life... nothing i could wish more thn being with u sayang... we did celbrate our anniversary at p.d.. i enjoyed myself during the journey.. i love u b... thanx for spending tyme with me... u r everythng to me... I LOVE U, MOHD NAZIRUL AMIR BIN SHAARI!!





Saturday, September 3, 2011

kawan awk saya xsuke, benci,menyampah,xnk tgk muka die!!!!

hmmm.. raya tahun ni sumpah bosan..mcm2 jadi benda yg xbest..adela kejap rase best tu tapi tulah kejap je yg best tu dtng..hmm.. ingat balik rumah bole la jumpe, die datang kejap atleast lepas rindu.. tp balik pon same jer, lagi baik xpyh balik je rase... last2 yg die jumpe kawan2 die tuh.. patotla xdtng jumpe aku sbb kawan die tidur rumah...saya benci kawan awak!!! sgt!!! fullstop!!! minx maaf tp awak sendiri boleh nmpk da bape kali awak lebihkan die dr saya.. so, saya x dapat nk suke die n terima die... xpyhla kasi saya tgk muka die sbb saya benci die!!!! arghhhhhhhhhhh...sumpah tension...hmmmm... mmng die bole ade ngn awk tyme awk happy, bole buat lawak bodo die smpi awk gelak2... saya xkesah awak ade kawan saya xsuke awk xreti beza kan saya ngn die... tyme untuk saya ngn die... sbb saya xpenah pon spend more tymes with my bestie... awak?? ptng da jmpe mlm still nk jmpe da la lame pastu xdtng sini..xkesahla nk lepak, atfirst  pon sya oke je tp da lame sgt n tgk awak xdtng sini pon....hmm tu buat mood sy hilng nk marah...hmmmm. da dpt gune kereta xnak amek peluang tuhhhhh... bile xde kereta sejuta alasan..hmmmm... saya sedih awak... tp awak xkan fhm saya...awak xkan fhm saya sbb bile awk nk saya, saya trus dtng dekat awak...jadi awak xrase ape yg awak buat kat saya... sedih sangat saya,..awak buat saya nangis:'( ... tp saya tawu awk xsedar yg awk da buat saya ngs.. sbb awak telalu amek remeh tntng hati saya.. saya rasa nk ngs banyak2...bile lps kat sini n mengs br hti ni oke sikit...:(...terima kasih blog sbb sade dgn sy bile sy nk becrta:)

Friday, August 26, 2011


bila saya sedeh saya nk awak, bile saya nangis saya nk awk n bahu awk, bile saya xde mood saya nk awk temankan saya, semuanya saya nk awak.. tp bile awk?? saya kene pegi jaoh2.. mcm mane saya nk buat? mcm mane saya nk happy tp awk x??? hmmm.. kenapalah awak xphm:(
1:50 pm